Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Domestication History of Rye

Domestication History of Rye Rye (Secale cereale subspecies cereale) was likely fully domesticated from its weedy relative (S. cereale ssp segetale) or perhaps S. vavilovii, in Anatolia or the Euphrates River valley of what is today Syria, at least as early as 6600 BC, and perhaps as early as 10,000 years ago. Evidence for domestication is at Natufian sites such as Can Hasan III in Turkey at 6600 cal BC (calendar years BC); domesticated rye reached central Europe (Poland and Romania) about 4,500 cal BC. Today rye is grown on about 6 million hectares in Europe where it is mostly used for making bread, as animal feed and forage, and in the production of rye and vodka. Prehistorically rye was used for food in a variety of ways, as animal fodder and for straw for the thatched rooves. Characteristics Rye is a member of the Triticeae tribe of Pooideae subfamily of the Poaceae grasses, meaning it is closely related to wheat and barley. There are around 14 different species of the Secale genus, but only S. cereale is domesticated. Rye is allogamous: its reproductive strategies promote outcrossing. Compared to wheat and barley, rye is relatively tolerant to frost, drought, and marginal soil fertility. It has an enormous genome size (~8,100 Mb), and its resistance to frost stress appears to be a result of the high genetic diversity among and within rye populations. The domestic forms of rye have larger seeds than wild forms as well as a non-shattering rachis (the part of the stem that holds the seeds onto the plant). Wild rye is free-threshing, with a tough rachis and loose chaff: a farmer can free the grains by a single threshing since straw and chaff are eliminated by a single round of winnowing. Domestic rye maintained the free-threshing characteristic and both forms of rye are vulnerable to ergot and to munching by pesky rodents while still ripening. Experimenting with Rye Cultivation There is some evidence that Pre-Pottery Neolithic (or Epi-Paleolithic) hunters and gatherers living in the Euphrates valley of northern Syria cultivated wild rye during the cool, arid centuries of the Younger Dryas, some 11,000-12,000 years ago. Several sites in northern Syria show that increased levels of rye were present during the Younger Dryas, implying that the plant must have been specifically cultivated to survive. Evidence discovered at Abu Hureyra (~10,000 cal BC), TellAbr (9500-9200 cal BC), Mureybet 3 (also spelled Murehibit, 9500-9200 cal BC), Jerf el Ahmar (9500-9000 cal BC), and Djade (9000-8300 cal BC) includes the presence of multiple querns (grain mortars) placed in food processing stations and charred wild rye, barley, and einkorn wheat grains. In several of these sites, rye was the dominant grain. Ryes advantages over wheat and barley are its ease of threshing in the wild stage; it is less glassy than wheat and can be more easily prepared as food (roasting, grinding, boiling and mashing). Rye starch is hydrolyzed to sugars more slowly and it produces a lower insulin response than wheat, and is, therefore, more sustaining than wheat. Weediness Recently, scholars have discovered that rye, more than other domesticated crops has followed a weedy species type of domestication processfrom wild to weed to crop and then back to weed again. Weedy rye (S. cereale ssp segetale) is distinctive from the crop form in that it includes stem shattering, smaller seeds and a delay in flowering time. It has been found to have spontaneously redeveloped itself out of the domesticated version in California, in as few as 60 generations. Sources This article is part of the guide to Plant Domestication, and part of the Dictionary of Archaeology Hillman G, Hedges R, Moore A, Colledge S, and Pettitt P. 2001. New evidence of Late Glacial cereal cultivation at Abu Hureyra on the Euphrates. The Holocene 11(4):383-393. Li Y, Haseneyer G, Schà ¶n C-C, Ankerst D, Korzun V, Wilde P, and Bauer E. 2011. High levels of nucleotide diversity and fast decline of linkage disequilibrium in rye (Secale cerealeL.) genes involved in frost response. BMC Plant Biology 11(1):1-14. (Springer link is currently not working) Marques A, Banaei-Moghaddam AM, Klemme S, Blattner FR, Niwa K, Guerra M, and Houben A. 2013. B chromosomes of rye are highly conserved and accompanied the development of early agriculture. Annals of Botany 112(3):527-534. Martis MM, Zhou R, Haseneyer G, Schmutzer T, Vrna J, Kubalkov M, Kà ¶nig S, Kugler KG, Scholz U, Hackauf B et al. 2013. Reticulate Evolution of the Rye Genome. The Plant Cell 25:3685-3698. Salamini F, Ozkan H, Brandolini A, Schafer-Pregl R, and Martin W. 2002. Genetics and geography of wild cereal domestication in the near east. Nature Reviews Genetics 3(6):429-441.   Shang H-Y, Wei Y-M, Wang X-R, and Zheng Y-L. 2006. Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships in the rye genus Secale L. (rye) based on Secale cereale microsatellite markers. Genetics and Molecular Biology 29:685-691. Tsartsidou G, Lev-Yadun S, Efstratiou N, and Weiner S. 2008. Ethnoarchaeological study of phytolith assemblages from an agro-pastoral village in Northern Greece (Sarakini): development and application of a Phytolith Difference Index. Journal of Archaeological Science 35(3):600-613. Vigueira CC, Olsen KM, and Caicedo AL. 2013. The red queen in the corn: agricultural weeds as models of rapid adaptive evolution. Heredity 110(4):303-311.   Willcox G. 2005. The distribution, natural habitats, and availability of wild cereals in relation to their domestication in the Near East: multiple events, multiple centres. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 14(4):534-541. (Springer link not working) Willcox G, and Stordeur D. 2012. Large-scale cereal processing before domestication during the 10th millennium Cal BC in northern Syria. Antiquity 86(331):99-114.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How To Become an Activist and Get Involved

How To Become an Activist and Get Involved Its as much a calling as it is a profession. You see something wrong in the world and you want to change it. There are countless ways to do that, from petitioning lawmakers to protesting on the street to personally helping and advocating for a single victim of injustice. If this sounds like something that appeals to you, heres how to go about establishing a career as a civil liberties activist.   Difficulty: N/A Time Required: Variable Heres How: Figure out what youre most passionate about. Are you interested in civil liberties in general, or is there a specific civil liberties-related issue such as free speech, abortion or gun rights that interest you?Get educated. Read up on your American history  and develop a functional understanding of how the government works.Develop sound arguments to back up your positions. Two highly effective ways to do this include familiarizing yourself with the arguments used by people with whom you agree, as well as with arguments used by people with whom you disagree.Keep up with current events. Scour the Internet and find blogs that focus on your topic. Read newspapers and follow the evening news for issues you might not even have thought about yet, issues that are just beginning to reach a boiling point.Join a group. Activists dont work well alone. Your best bet is to join a group that focuses on your concern. Attend local chapter meetings. If there is no local chapter, consider starting on e. Networking with other activists will educate you, provide you with a support network, and help you focus your energies on productive activism strategies. Tips: Be practical. Dont get so caught up in your hope for radical, sweeping reforms that you lose sight of real opportunities to make incremental progress.Dont hate people you disagree with. If you forget how to communicate with people on the other side of the issue, youll lose your ability to bring others around to your way of thinking.Dont lose hope. You will almost certainly experience depressing setbacks, but activist movements take time. Womens suffrage was advocated in the United States as far back as the 18th century and only became a reality in 1920.Go back to school if you dont already have a degree. This goes hand-in-hand with educating yourself, but it serves another purpose as well. That degree will open doors that might have otherwise remained closed to you. A law degree is a lofty goal, but lawyers are trained in the skills and weapons that are necessary to tackle broad platforms at governmental levels. Even a bachelors degree in pre-law or one of the social sciences can be immensely helpful, and nothing says you cant pursue your cause or causes while youre going to school. Many famous activists have done just that.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

North Street Primary School Upgrade Proposal Essay - 1

North Street Primary School Upgrade Proposal - Essay Example North Street Junior School is facing the similar problem thus it needs few amendments to cure the problems related to the greenhouse emission and the energy consumption. The school utilizes the artificial lights to enlighten the inner building and utilize maintain the temperature by utilizing the electricity. All the classrooms have radiators that help maintain the temperature during all seasons. In general, the building of the school is an old patterned building that utilizes the immense amount of energy for all the systems. In my view, the building was such made to restrict the outer air from being penetrated into the building but due to the lack of technology, it also restricted the natural lights from penetrating into the building that is the major reason for its higher energy consumption. On the other hand, the utilization of the fossil fuel and electricity based temperature controlled system also consumes a major portion of the electrical energy increasing the number of carbon footprints. At some place lack of insulation permits the inner atmosphere to diffuse into the outer environment making the temperature control unit to work more than requ ired. The School is surrounded by smaller building, thus allowing a lot of light to be faced by the building (Cayless, & Marsden, 1997, p45-122). The immense amount of light may serve as to enlighten the building and to provide warm water and air to be circulated into the school. However, the dominant feature of the building is that the building is a symbol of cultural heritage and it should be touched little but implementing effective alteration in the building to consume lower energy units and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, the solar water heaters should be placed over the roofs of the building to capture the solar energy and heat the water.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Rhetorical Audience Awareness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rhetorical Audience Awareness - Essay Example Secondly, in connection to traditional metaphysics from antique Greece as well as Egypt, the relationship of the fifth constituent subsequent to fire, water, soil as well as air, is either, or epitome. It is not unintentional that subsequent to the preamble hypercube succession, we observe Nick Fury involved in secret job below NASA at a â€Å"dark power† scheme in an underground station. Apparently far-fetched, there are real profound state black initiatives that rotate just about plasma weapons, principally with H.A.A.R.P., which the Navy has shown off about here. In conventional Greek thinking, not only are there five components, but matter as well passes in and out of four stages: solid, liquid, gas as well as plasma. Third point, audiences of Tesla will make out the similarity between the foreign arms stolen from Fury in the movie, and the aether-oriented plasma physics Tesla used to work on the prospective for limitless free energy, referred to as zero level energy, taken from the atmosphere itself, and also in quantum physics, as Paul Dirac stipulates, energy from the upcoming. It is exciting to observe as well that beneath the enclosure of the â€Å"dark power† name, the real physics Fury along with the military manufacturing complex are partnering with is plasma and aether-oriented, and not normal fare Newtonian structure. It is exactly from this alternating Tesla physics that gives way and clues constantly leak, even in the majority science and movie, as to the authentic concealed metaphysics the establishment’s super weaponry are founded on. Fifth, only the subsistence of a field of energy may account for the movements of the bodies as noted, and its supposition discharges with space curvature. All text on this topic is pointless and destined to forgetfulness. So are all efforts to enlighten the workings of the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

History Test Questions Essay Example for Free

History Test Questions Essay Manzanar in CA – loss of $ property – 100th Battalion – â€Å"Purple Heart† Battalion – 442nd Regimental Combat Team – fought in Italy, France, Germany – Most decorated combat unit in US history for proportion of length of service – â€Å"Buddha Heads† – Most Japanese-Americans served as soldiers in Europe while interpreters and such went to the Pacific – obvious racism/discrimination Minority group most adversely affected by Washington DC’s wartime policies was – Japanese-Americans Internment – costs – effects – camps – prejudice – military service – Nisei born in USA, so citizens The general attitude toward WWII was – less idealistic ideological more practical than the outlook in WWI (This is according to the textbook – What would Zinn say in Ch 16? ) In the period of 1885 to 1924, the Japanese immigrants who came to the USA were â₠¬â€œ a select group (representing Japan abroad, so Japan cared who was sent) who was/were better prepared educated than most European immigrants (so they were middle class usually had $) Ex. Japan felt represented – wanted to avoid Chinese bachelors of 19th century – so â€Å"picture brides† When the USA entered WWII in December (7th attack at Pearl, war declared on 8th), 1941, a majority of Americans had no clear idea of what the war was about * WWI had campaigned (but many people didn’t know in WWI either – Ex. Sergeant York Gallipoli) During WWII, the US gov’t commissioned the production of synthetic rubber in order to offset the loss of access to prewar supplies in E. Asia (ex. French Indochina/Vietnam, Cambodia, Loas) Wartime agencies functions: War Production Board – assign priorities w/respect to use of raw materials transportation facilities Office of Price Administration – controlled inflation by rationing essential goods War Labor Board – imposed ceilings (maximums) on wage increases Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC) – saw to it that no hiring discrimination practices were used against Af-Am’s seeking employment in war industries * A Philip Randolph – 1941 threatened to march on Wash DC to demand equality in hiring – FDR feared march so made a deal to announce Executive Order #8802 for Af-Am’s fair employment in wartime industries Randoplh was leader of Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters union (mostly Af-Am’s but some whites too – began in 1920s) While most US workers were strongly committed to the war effort, wartime production was disrupted by strikes led by the – United Mine Workers (Why? Exploitation w/unequal distribution of wartime profits. ) * Coal mining is almost as risky as war – in fact they die more than any other industrial workers, both back then and today – only crab ishing is truly more hazardous b y proportion – although they are much safer today During WWII – labor unions substantially increased their membership †¢ There were some strikes – Ex. United Mine Workers – unfair distribution of wartime profits * Bracero Program – p. 833 Mexicans work in agriculture some industries (later deported in the offensive â€Å"Operation Wetback†) [Ironic after 1930’s treatment in CA for example – Okies for Mexicans, etc†¦ Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act – June 1943 – federal gov’t could seize industries if strikes occurred Ex. Coal mines and RRs briefly] p. 832 Employment of more than 6 million women in America (~3 million had never worked for wages before) industry during WWII led to – the establishment of day-care centers by gov’t (*†Rosie† vs. â€Å"Wendy†) [Usually single women or w/husband in the war were the ones working in defense plants/war industries] * Not equal pay for equal work in almost all cases – although some women earned as good or better money if they were outstanding – some were indeed Ex. P. 33 – WOW poster * My recruiting posters WWII aircraft pictures * Not greater % of women working in USA than in Europe – Ex. Britain USSR – in war industries * Increase in employment in war industries for Af-Am’s (both men women) * Migrations from South as Af-Am’s leave while to the South came war industries and military bases Why? Cheap wages very few unions * Not a strong desire for most women to work for wages (especially in defense industries, etc†¦) *** p. 833 – WAACs, WAVES, SPARS, (WASPs) â€Å"GI† – â€Å"Government Issue† * USCG Merchant Marine Main reason majority of women workers left labor force at end of WWII was – family obligation Af-Am’s did all of following during WWII: rally behind slogan of â€Å"Double V† (victory over Axis racism at home), move north west in large migrations (seeking work – often in war industries) (move to cities – â€Å"urban† begins to mean â€Å"black†) (ghettos created – not like Jewish ghettos in Poland, etc†¦) (de facto vs. de jure/Jim Crow segregation discrimination – Ex. Race riots in Detroit in 1943 – later race riots in north in 1960s too), form a militant organization called the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE – 1942 increase in NAACP membership), serve (in US military) in (US) Army Air Corps (Tuskegee Airmen – 332nd/99th w/impeccable record – no bombers lost on their escorts – Benjamin O. Davis sr. Benjamin O. Davis jr. – West Point grads – endured silent treatment from whites – Davis sr. is first Af-Am general in US history – Davis jr. was in command of 99th squadron – see picture on . 835), What about fighting in integrated combat units? Not until Korea (w/exception of a few experiments) Which is least related to the other three? A Philip Randolph (Bro of Sleep Car Porters threat to march on Wash DC in 1941 – led to Executive Order #8802 – in 1963, helped organize march to Wash DC for MLK jr’s â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech. Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC – to protect Af-Am’s to be hired and treated fairly in war industries), racial discrimination in wartime industry (still even w/FEPC there was discrimination – but better than w/out it), proposed â€Å"negro March on Washington,† What about the Smith-Connally (Anti- Strike) Act (1943)? On pp. 834-836 Migration Map on p. 834 * Cotton production in South – hurt Af-Am laborers, tenant, and sharecropping farmers (whites too who did this – many) w/ introduction of mechanization – so migration p. 836 * Native Americans ~25,000 serve – Ex. Comanche in Europe Navajo in Pacific – â€Å"code talkers† p. 836 *** LA, CA summer 1943 – â€Å"Zoot Suit Riots† – Pachucos vs. Servicemen – violence – retaliation – gangs – blame – reactions – tensions – â€Å"Victory Suits† – race riots p. 836-837 ** Race riot in Detroit, MI in 1943 – fatalities pp. 36-837 Big gov’t intervention received its greatest boost from – WWII (not the New Deal) During WWII, most Am’s economically experienced – prosperity a doubling of personal income p. 837 National Gross National Product (all goods and services produced in USA) in 1940 was $100 b illion – GNP grew to $200 billion in 1945 – corporate profits rose from ~$6 billion in 1940 to ~$12 billion by 1944 – Henry Stimson (Sec of War) â€Å"if you are going to try to go to war in a capitalist country, you have to let business make money out of the process, or business won’t work. p. 837 * disposable income after war-time taxes more than doubled (but there was inflation too) * post-war consumerism w/surplus income to purchase in post-war US economy – Ex increase 33% in post war prices b/c of high wages consumer demand * Office of Scientific Research and Development p. 37 – developed weapons, including Atomic (nuclear) bombs *** â€Å"warfare-welfare state† b/t 1941-1945 * rationing – total war effort – bond drives – kids had Al drives for example, etc†¦ Ex of poster: â€Å"When you ride ALONE, you ride with Hitler! † – Black Market Chart for Rise in National Debt – rise b/c of WWII and after war it spiked higher than during war p. 837 On p. 38 Cost of war in $ was for USA $330 billion – 10 times more than WWI – more $ than all federal spending since 1776 – income tax – 4 times as many people than before war – some people taxed as high as 90% of income – taxes provided for 2/5ths of war cost – rest is borrowed from US public – Liberty Loans – Bond Drives others loaned $ too like individuals who were rich tycoons moguls and/or through corporations banks – 1941 National Debt was $49 billion – grew to $259 billion in 1945 – war cost ~$10 million per hour at peak of war – plus blood, sweat, tears – tremendous loss of life – Ex. USSR lost more than any other country Northward migration of Af-Am’s accelerated after WWII b/c – mechanical cotton pickers (machines) were in use p. 836 During WWII, American Indians – moved off of reservations in large numbers (~25,000 served in military) p. 836 By the end of WWII, the heart of USA’s Af-Am communities had shifted to – northern cities pp. 834-835 * p. 836 â€Å"The speed and scale of these changes jolted the migrants and sometimes the communities that received them. * Racism, de facto segregation vs. de jure (Jim Crow) segregation [Migartion Map on p. 834] National debt increased most during – World War II (and post-WWII to present) p. 838 Most $ raised to finance WWII came through – borrowing (individuals, corporations – bonds for middle class working class people) (*Liberty/Victory Loans – bond sales – hugely promoted) p. 38 First naval battle in history in which all of the fighting was done b y (aircraft) carrier-based aircraft was the Battle of – the Coral Sea (May 1942 near NE Australia – Tie to stop Japanese threat/invasion of the â€Å"Land Down Under† – USA lost one carrier – USS Lexington – USS Yorktown carrier badly damaged but back in action at Midway where she was finally sunk by a Japanese submarine after extensive damage from aircraft that left her a burning wreck) * Midway – 2nd such battle b/t carrier fleets so far apart they never see each other – June 3rd-6th, 1942 – the turning point of the Pacific war p. 839] The tide of Japanese conquest in the Pacific was turned following the Battle of – Midway (June 3rd-6th, 1942) * Details – our 3 carriers to their 4 – we sank all four and lost only one – planes – luck – plans – codes – drama – Spruance, Nimitz, etc†¦ plus Aleutian Islands (of Alaska) attacked just before Midway was dive rsion, which was fairly effective – cold, brutal fighting over frozen, barren islands, but were US territory like Hawaii pp. 39-841 Japanese made a crucial mistake in 1942 in their attempt to control much of the Pacific when they – over extended themselves instead of digging in consolidating their gains p. 839 – Japanese victories in Pacific up through first 6 months extended down to Dutch East Indies (for oil), Southeast Asia (for rubber), including Burma and Thailand into parts of China, the Philippines, the Marianas such as Guam, the Gilbets, the Marshalls, the Solomons, the Aleutians, Korea and Manchuria, Okinawa, Iwo Jima, etc†¦- They held it for about 6 months after Pearl Harbor before Allied advances began. In waging war against Japan, the USA relied mainly on a strategy of – (leapfrogging and) island-hopping across the South (and Central) Pacific while by-passing Japanese strongholds (whenever possible – but not always – Ex. Philippines Pelelieu Aleutians) [MacArthur/US Army Halsey in South – USMC Nimitz/Spruance in Central Pacific] All strategies considered implemented in some fashion – heavy bombing from Chinese air bases, invading SE Asia Burma, fortifying China transporting supplies from India over â€Å"the Hump† of the Himalayas, turning Japanese flanks in New Guinea (MacArthur) Alaska (Aleutians) * All were done – but priority was put on USN, US Army, USMC, USAAC (USAF), USCG in two prong drive across south central Pacific with Adm. Nimitz calling the shots Conquest of Guam (Marianas – Tinian Saipan too) in 1944 was especially critical, b/c from there (the Marianas) the USA could conduct round-trip bombing raids (B-29s) on Japanese home islands – But a nasty volcanic sulfur-smelling small island with large 500 foot hill on its southwestern corner on it called Iwo Jima was in the way – could notify Japan that bombers were coming – plus many damaged bombers needed the vital air strip on the island for emergency landings – so in Feb of 1945, USMC began its biggest, most-distinguished battle lasting 36 days in Hell before the island was completely secure – giving us two flag raisings on Mt. Suribachi – the 2nd becoming perhaps the most famous photograph in the entire world – â€Å"Semper Fi, Do or Die, Gung Ho! † Allies won Battle of Atlantic by – escorting convoys of merchants’ (and military) vessels (not using convoy system initially) [E x. Carrier other Task Forces], dropping depth charges from destroyers, bombing submarine (U-boat) bases (Ex. located in France), deploying new technology of RADAR At war’s end, U-boat crews are in a very deadly branch of voluntarily service still got volunteers up until the end – 4 out of 5 U-boaters die by late 1944 – Adm Downitz asked for more before war – didn’t get them, used convoy system w/ destroyer escorts – depth charges – RADAR (B-24s B-25s, other planes as sub hunters) – SONAR – Enigma code machine codes (read Japanese codes in Pacific too) – US subs sink lots of ships (especially in Pacific), But what about organizing â€Å"wolf packs† (which are German U-boats) to chase down German U-boats (submarines)? *** Battle of the Atlantic Most important battle in Western Europe! Until Spring 1943, perhaps Hitler’s greatest opportunities of defeating Britain winning the war was – the German U-boat would destroy Allied shipping (which it was faster than ships could be built early in war) Hitler’s advance in the European theater of war crested in late 1942 at the Battle of Stalingrad, after which, his fortunes gradually declined {* Leningrad, Kursk, Red Army, Counter-Offensives} pp. 841-842 Monte Cassino in Italy Allies postponed opening a second front in Europe until 1944 b/c – of British reluctance (b/c of the majority of troops would be supplied by them that early in the war) lack of adequate resources {* We’d have gotten our butts handed to us by the Germans – as indeed we did really until 1943 – we needed to learn how to fight – Stalin was angry we left his country to suffer while we lagged in opening a second front n France to relieve the USSR – cannot blame him entirely FDR’s promise to the Soviets to open a second front in Western Europe by end of 1942 – was utterly impossible to keep (just not ready for the undertaking really) * So USSR got pounded through most of 1942 before it went on the offensive in 1943 and until the end of the war really – meanwhile, the Allies invaded North Africa, then Sicily, then up the boot of Italy – before two major invasions of France in June Aug of 1944 Allied demand for unconditional surrender was criticized mainly by opponents who believed that such a surrender would – encourage the enemy to resist as long as possible (but USA also did this to show a ommitment to USSR as an Ally against Germany to avoid a separate peace as in WWI) FDR’s Churchill’s insistence on the absolute and â€Å"unconditional surrender† of Germany – eventually complicated the problems of postwar reconstruction Chronology: Casablanca, Morocco – Jan 1943 FDR Churchill meet – Pacific strategy, Sicily, Italy, unconditional surrender p. 842, (Cairo, Egypt before Teheran – w/FDR Churchill discuss Chiang Mao vs. Japanese in China), then Teheran, Iran (Persia at the time) – Nov 28th – Dec 1st, 1943 – plans for W E attacks on Germany p. 844 – FDR, Churchill, Stalin, Potsdam, Germany – July 1945 – Truman, Churchill, Stalin – Potsdam Declaration how to end war post-war plans p. 851 Chronology: Invasion of (Sicily and) Italy (1943), D-Day/Normandy invasion (June 6th, 1944), VE Day 5/8/45 [my mother turned 6 years old (my father turned 6 years old 10 days later) – she had two brothers in this war (others in Korea Vietnam) – one would come home from Europe w/2 Purple Hearts – served under Patton in N Africa was at the Bulge – his eye was hanging out of his head attached by the optic nerve – they saved his eye – but the war messed the young man up for the rest of his lif e mentally carrying the burdens of death – her other brother was in Pacific – he would not come home until Japan was beaten] – VJ Day 8/15/45 – Japan’s surrender was 8/14/45 – official surrender on deck of battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay was 9/2/45 – WWII was finally over after many deaths – military ivilian (WWII began in 1931-37 in Asia, Sept 1939 in Europe, Dec 1941 for USA in Pacific) Major consequence of Allied conquest of Sicily in Aug 1943 was – overthrow of Mussolini (first of two times) and (eventually) Italy’s surrender o Italians surrender quicker than the French – At least they claim to be â€Å"lovers not fighters† – but the Romans seriously put a foot in and/or up one’s booty in battle as a vicious warrior empire known for organization in fighting After Italian surrender in Aug 1943, Germans poured into Italy and stalled the Allied advance (really until the end of t he war in Northern Italy – also harsh to Italians for switching sides) Real impact of the Italian front on WWII may have been that it delayed the D-Day invasion allowed the Soviet Union to advance further into E Europe (â€Å"iron curtain†) Brutal fighting in Italy Ex pp. 841-842 Monte Cassino in Italy Audie Murphy was in Italy, France, Germany 442nd Nisei were in Italy, France, Germany US First Army – The Big Red One Tuskegee airmen (99th squadron of 332nd fighter group) Italians switched sides – Germans reinforced – bloody battles b/c of terrain – Ex. Anzio * I disagree w/this – Italy was a vital valuable front – perhaps managed poorly, but necessary At the wartime conference in Teheran, Iran (Persia) (11-28 thru 12-1-43) (FDR, Churchill, Stalin) – plans were made for opening a 2nd front in Europe p. 844 – was Sicily Italy before France – Stalin still not happy Cross Channel (English Channel) invasion of Normandy (in NW France) to open a 2nd front in Europe was commanded by Gen Dwight David Eisenhower (future president) [Ike] {West Point, Aide of MacArthur, Bonus Army, North Africa, Great political general – needed for this command to deal w/ the prima- onnas US Gen Patton and British Gen Montgomery (Monty) plus other issues – he was the right man for the job – although many disagreed about that at the time} ***** Normandy/D-Day June 6th, 1944 (operation Overlord) Breako ut 5 beaches Monty, Bradley, Patton diversion pointed at Calais, French Underground, Airborne/Gliders/Paratroopers, Rangers, Amphibious, Air Superiority, Mulberry Harbors, Strategy, Hedgerows, Engineers, Etc†¦ (Saving Private Ryan, The Longest Day) In a sense, FDR was the â€Å"forgotten man† at the Democratic Convention of 1944 b/c – so much attention was focused on who would be VP (Truman – Sen from MO political machine – failed in business – US Army rtillery Major in WWI ) (VP former Sec of Ag Henry Wallace pushed out) (FDR in poor health) ** FDR complained of a headache and then shortly thereafter died from cerebral hemorrhage sitting for a portrait in Warm Springs, GA (where his health spa for his rehab for polio was) on April 12th, 1945 – funeral train – some people had really only known FDR as president, now Truman was the great unknown trying to replace FDR – Eleanor said to Harry, â€Å"The president is dead. â €  Truman replied, â€Å"Is there anything I can do for you. † Mrs Roosevelt responded, â€Å"Oh no, is there anything that we can do for you, you’re the one who is in trouble now. † FDR won 1944 election primarily b/c war was going well by Nov 1944 (many thought it was all but officially won and over) Action by USA against Adolf Hitler’s campaign of genocide against the Jews – was reprehensively slow in coming – Did not admit large numbers of refugees to USA, nor bomb RR lines at death camps – USA did know – Gov’t knew for sure since 1942 when â€Å"final solution† was implemented – US gov’t knew before if they chose to believe it (plus Mein Kampf, Hitler’s book), not major reason at all really that USA fought WWII – like Civil War sort of in that abolition of slavery was a by-product that many Federal/Union soldiers did not realize they were fighting for at the beginning of the war , nor would many of them fought for that ideal anyway–my opinion–so you know it’s correct! ( Hitler’s last ditch attempt to achieve victory against the USA British (plus other Allies) came in – Battle of the Bulge (Dec 1944-Jan 1945) My uncle FL was there – got that nasty eye wound †¢ Hurtgen Forrest (When Trumpets Fade) before Bulge near Achaen in W Germany almost on Belgian border – brutal mine fields – slaughter – overshadowed by Bulge so largely forgotten †¢ Bulge – why it’s called the Battle of the Bulge – weather – secrecy – push through weak Ardennes – Malmady – Mr. High – casualties 76,000 US – worst battle in US history (Okinawa close, Gettysburg too) – Germans lost 140,000+ cold – no air cover for weeks – Bastogne – 101st Airborne (Band of Brothers) – 101st at Normandy, Market Garden, Bastogne, Hitlerâ €™s Eagle’s Nest – Patton 3rd Army – costly choice to push bulge back rather than pinch it (liposuction) – air cover returns – push to the Rhine – USSR pushing from the East – USSR in Berlin brutal As result of Battle of Leyte Gulf – Japan was finished a s a naval power (Philippines 1944 – largest naval battle ever – Halsey – Taffy 3 – Kamikazes – Yamato) [Philippines fell – 500 POWs rescued at Cabanatuan (The Great Raid) – hold outs in to 1970s] {Iwo Jima and Okinawa and Japanese home islands left to take to end Pacific war} ***** War of attrition in Pacific – to the death – rarely took prisoners on either side unless want information Potsdam Conference – issued an ultimatum to Japan to surrender of â€Å"face a rain of ruin from the air† †¢ It’s already facing a â€Å"rain of ruin from the air’ as did German cities! p. 851 Potsdam Conference (Truman told Stalin of massive weapon to use on Japan – Stalin not surprised (b/c he knew from spies already) – told Truman to use it promised to enter war in Pacific as he had agreed to earlier – entered war 8/8/4 5, day before 2nd A-bomb on Nagasaki that time, Hiroshima the first on 8/6/45) Total unconditional surrender or be destroyed – threat of more bombing – not specific as to use of an atomic bomb – more bombing – so what – already taking that! Spending of enormous sums of money on the original (to be used against Germany) atomic (nuclear) bomb project (Manhattan Project) was spurred by the belief that – the American public would not tolerate the (massive) casualties that would result from a land invasion of Japan (***** Much More Complex Than That! ***** Letter â€Å"c† in the answer choices – The Japanese were (still) at work (and more successful than Germans – who tried heavy water in Norway but suffered to sabotage attacks – one at the plant, the other sinking a ferry w/the heavy water on board – still at bottom of the lake in Norway) on an atomic bomb of their own (claim to have detonated one in Manchuria) ***** Japanese had lots of weapons ready for the Final Battle or invasion of Japan, which was planned ready to go – they also had chemical weapons from Shiro Ishi’s Unit 731 in Manchuria – chemical biological weapons – delivery systems – Ex. High altitude balloons, flea bombs, etc†¦- USA made post-war deal w/ the Devil! No war crimes trials for vivisections, experiments, infection of disease, anthrax, plague, etc†¦ The â€Å"unconditional surrender† policy toward Japan was finally modified by – agreeing to let Japan’s Emperor Hirohito stay on the throne (w/Democratic gov’t) * No war crimes trials for emperor – Tojo took the fall for emperor – no Shiro Ishi or members of Unit 731 unlike Nazis – let Japan have terms that Germany did not get – then USA – built up former enemies (W Germany Japan) into allies while former allies (USSRlt; etc†¦) became enemies – COLD WAR! The following were qualities of US participation in WWII: A group of highly effective military political leaders, an enormously effective effort in producing weapons supplies (usually more, later, better equipment than enemies – out produced the Axis), the preservation of the American homeland against invasion or destruction from air (small submarine skirmishes some off-shore shelling, some balloons w/explosives in 48 continental USA), the maintenance re-affirmation of strength of democracy, What about a higher % of military casualties than any other Allied nation (USA had least casualties of big ones – USSR suffered more casualties than any country on either side) p. 27 FDR as â€Å"all wise† for Germany first strategy over those who disagree – Pacific war always get ripped off p. 828 Allies Trade Space for Time * German ( Japanese) scientists – weapons – A-Bombs pp. 829-832 The Shock of War pp. 830-831 Japanese-Am Internment (Farewell to Manzanar) Issei, Nisei, Exec Order #9066 (100th/442nd ) pp. 832-833 Building the War Machine * strikes Ex Coal Miners – exploited, underpaid – share profits Kaiser shipbuilding pp. 833-834 Man power Woman power – Braceros (later deportations in â€Å"Operation Wetback†) – Rosie (Wendy) – day-cares p. 834 War migration map pp. 835-837 wartime migrations p. 835 Tuskegee Airmen photo p. 835 A Philip Randolph (Exec Order #8802) **** (Charles Drew – Af-Am did first successful blood transfusion – put in charge of Allied blood banks – he was forced to segregate blood too – his death outside a hospital after an accident – died waiting for a blood tranfusion b/c white hospital would not admit him) p. 835 Double V, CORE – 1942, NAACP membership increases p. 836 Comanche (Europe) Navajo (Pacific) â€Å"code talkers† pp. 836-837 Zoot Suit Riots in LA, CA 1943 Detroit, MI 1943 â€Å"Sudden rubbing against one another of unfamiliar peoples produced some di stressingly violent action. † pp. 837-838 Holding the Homefront p. 837 National Debt Chart pp. 838-839 The Rising Sun in the Pacific p. 838 Map of Luzon, Bataan, Corrigador (Philippines) p. 838 (Mao and ) Chiang Kai-shek resist Japanese w/Allied help p. 38 Flying â€Å"the Hump† in Himalayas (b/c of Burma Road – Merril’s Mauraders Gen Stillwell) p. 838 â€Å"ill-trained† Filipinos, MacArthur holds fast – delays Japanese – Bataan Death March (POW rescue) p. 839 Japan’s High Tide at Midway (plus Aleutians) pp. 839-841 American Leapfrogging Toward Tokyo (island-hopping leapfrogging like blitzkrieg Pacific style) * Book does opposite of Europe First strategy of Allies †¢ Guam (Saipan – suicides), Marianas â€Å"Turkey Shoot’ F6F Hellcat kill ratio †¢ 6-20-44 Battle of Philippine Sea – massive Japanese losses p. 840 Map of Pacific War p. 841 Churchill – â€Å"The Hun is always either at you throat or at your feet. † pp. 841-842 The Allied Halting of Hitler p. 41 Battle of the Atlantic – U-boats, destroyers, RADAR, SONAR, Enigma, New U-boats (not enough early in war – Downitz) – no sub can stay under indefinitely b/c food is limitation (U-571) pp. 842-843 A Second Front from North Africa to Rome p. 842 USSR lost ~20 million pp. 842-843 â€Å"unconditional surrender† debate results pp. 843-846 D-Day: June 6th, 194p. 845 Examining the Evidence – Teheran 1943 – Overlord Discussion (* Dieppe in France) p. 844 Ike chosen to command D-Day invasion – (feignt w/Patton at Calais – codes, underground, paratroopers, Rangers, 5 beaches, air power, Mulberry harbors, etc†¦) p. 846 D-Day (Agincourt 1415 – officer recited Shakespeare) in picture caption p. 846 Aug 1944 invasion of S France (A Murphy) pp. 846-847 FDR: Four Termite of 1944 p. 47 Focus on VP – Truman – on Sen Committee for Wasteful Sp ending – told to stop investigating Manhattan Project – he later learns it was Atomic Bombs p. 848 FDR defeats Dewey – FDR had Rep owned newspapers against him again p. 848 Quote from Congresswoman Clare Booth Luce – â€Å"He lied us into war because he did not have the political courage to lead us into it. † pp. 848-849 The Last Days of Hitler p. 849 Map of Battle of the Bulge * 76,000 casualties – worst US battle ever – so far * Okinawa Gettysburg were both very bad too Bulge mistakes p. 848 bombings pp. 848-849 (Remagen) Rhine River crossing into Germany p. 849 Holocaust – camps liberated – horrors known now for all (unit 731 in Manchuria) p. 849 FDR’s deathVE Day 5-8-45 pp. 49-851 Japan Dies Hard – US subs sinking Japanese ships – cutting off Japan’s vital lifeline sank 1. 042 ships ~50% of Japan’s merchant fleet p. 850 Bombings in Japan Ex. Tokyo 3/9-10/1945 ~83,000 KIA p. 850 Ley te Gulf, Iwo Jima, Pkinawa – short-changed as usual by textbooks that suck! Iwo Jima 6,000 KIA not 4,000 Okinawa 50,000 US casualties (KIA, WIA, MIA, POW) @ Okinawa, Japanese had ~200,000 military civilian casualties p. 851 2nd Flag Raising (Flags of Our Fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima, The Sands of Iwo Jima) p. 851 Kamikazes (Saipan Leyte, then Iwo Okinawa – worst of all – no Final Battle – would’ve been worst) †¢ They had lots stored up for the Final Battle pp. 851-853 Atomic Bombs p. 52 Hiroshima picture – post-bomb on 8-6-45 180,000 KIA, WIA, MIA 70,000 KIA instantly 60,000 died later from radiation, etc†¦ p. 852 USSR enters war in Pacific on 8-8-45 day before Nagasaki 8-9-45 KIA of 40,000 instantly, more later USSR invaded Manchuria North Korea (not a country split N S until 1950) 8-14-45 Japan surrendered 8-15-45 VJ Day official surrender on deck of battleship USS Missouri (Big Mo) on 9/2/45 w/MacArthur , etc†¦ pp. 853-854 The Allies Triumphant p. 853 US casualties ~ 1 million ~1/3rd KIA †¢ plasma, penicillin, (quanine for malaria), etc†¦. (medics, corpsman, doctors, nurses) USSR lost ~20 million plus more casualties 13. 6 million military killed plus 7. 2 million civilians killed plus up to 30 million more wounded and refugees p. 853 US attacked on W coast Ex balloons w/bombs, etc.. submarines on both coasts p. 853 â€Å"In the end, the US showed itself to be resourceful, tough, and adaptable to accommodate itself to the tactics of an enemy who was relentless and ruthless. † Kind of funny given US history – don’t you think? p. 854 VJ Day 8-15-45 image p. 854 production marvels – won war through production – more of everything – then eventually better more! Churchill – â€Å"Nothing succeeds like excess. † Herman Goering (Head of German air force/Luftwaffe – â€Å"Americans can’t build planes – only elect ric ice boxes and razor blades. † Goering also said that the P-51 Mustang (US fighter plane) won the war for the Allies p. 854 â€Å"But the American people preserved their precious liberties without serious impairment. † What would Zinn say? Is this a reference to loss of liberties during WWI – Espionage and Sedition Acts? What would â€Å"enemy aliens† and citizens interned during the war say? Ex. Italian German internment Japanese-American internment p. 854 Chronology p. 855 World War II: Triumph or Tragedy? Post-war scholarship was to avoid isolationist appeasement in Cold War Another paralleled 1930’s revisionist of post-WWI said US should have stayed out – made it worse Another thought FDR was naive isolationist Others thought FDR was a calculating interventionist Another focused on Atomic Bombs controversy – racism issue or timing b/c Germans were beaten already Gar Alperovitz said bomb was used to scare USSR hurry surrender MartinJ. Sherwin said we dropped A-bombs when ready to end was ASAP w/bonus of scaring USSR ***** Textbook ignores Rises to Power of Totalitarian leaders like Stalin (communist), Mussolini (fascist), Hitler (fascist), Japan’s militarist gov’t w/emporer Hirohito led by Tojo early in war – he took the fall It does not explain the role of the emperor in Japan’s gov’t Battle of Berlin – brutal pay back – refugees – rapes – POWs – Hitler’s death

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Dramatic Monologues of Robert Browning Essay -- Poetry Dramatic Mo

The Dramatic Monologues of Robert Browning Consider the range of characterisation in Browning’s dramatic monologues and the poetic methods he employs to portray his speakers. Some are written in rhyming verse, use metaphors, et cetera, but for what reason? What is the writer trying to achieve and how successful is he? Robert Browning (1812-1889) was an English poet noted for his mastery of dramatic monologue. He was born in London, the son of a wealthy clerk at the bank of England, he received scant formal education but had access to his father’s large library of about 6,000 volumes. Though initially unsuccessful as a poet and financially dependent on his family until well into adulthood Browning was to become a celebrated Victorian poet. In some of his finest works people from the past speak their thoughts and reveal their lives to the reader through the †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦? The poems I will be taking into account will be: ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ from Dramatic Lyrics, 1842 ‘The Laboratory’, 1844 ‘My last Duchess’, from Dramatic Lyrics, 1842 ‘Andrea del Sarto’ from Men and Women, 1855 ‘Fra Lippo Lippi’ from Men and Women, 1855 All these poems are presented from the viewpoint of an individual explaining their actions. The speakers all consider their actions justified, though only Fra Lippo Lippi has reason to explain himself to anyone. These poems use different poetic methods to form the character of the speaker. The rhyme schemes vary from obvious, as in the rhyming couplets of ‘The Laboratory’, to subtle, as in ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ to an absence of a rhyme scheme as in the blank verse of ‘Andrea del Sarto’. Also there are many uses of alliteration, assonance, enjambment and onomatopoeic words to draw our att... ... beauty’ though Andrea is presumably referring to her curves and suppleness of youth the serpent is also widely recognised as a manipulative and deceitful. A true master of the arts would be expected to have a better imagination and grasp of imagery. This poem also particularly demonstrates Browning’s mastery of dramatic monologues as he has written in blank verse and written in the tone of a dull and lifeless man but still creates a deep dramatic monologue that reveals a lot more through it’s poetic methods employed in it than the speaker actually tells us. The way such different portrayals are formed of each character show us how successful Browning has been in using different poetic methods to convey each characterisation as a lot can be established simply from the rhythm and rhyme scheme of the poem and other poetic methods used before even analysing the speaker.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ane Frank

Graded Assignment Journal: Insight into Anne Answer the following questions in complete sentences as you work on Lessons 1–3. Be sure to turn this assignment in to your teacher when you finish Lesson 3. Remember: You need to complete the assignment by the due date to receive full credit. (12 points) How does the fact that Anne tries to maintain a positive attitude affect the way readers view her? Answer: Despite what is going on in her world, Anne believes it will end someday and somehow. She believes that despite the bad things going on, people are still good at heart. (13 points)How does the fact that Anne sometimes gets depressed and begins to view the world as confining and unhealthy affect the way readers view her? Answer: She's a teenager, plain and simple. One day, she views her world as a safe haven, the next day, she wil be sad because she is longing for her friends and the outside. (12 points) In what ways does Anne's diary help her to overcome some of the negative f eelings and emotions that threaten to overwhelm her sometimes? Answer:Writing was her way of expressing herself because in the situation she was in, she couldn't express her feelings too openly. (13 points)What does Anne’s using the motif of the natural world in her diary tell you about her abilities as a writer? Answer:She's creative and believes that one day she will be free and be able to enjoy her life from where she left off. ———————– |Name: dasha |Date: | |Score | | | |Score | | | |Score | | | |Score | | | |Your Score |___ of 50 |

Sunday, November 10, 2019

John Marshall Court Cases

Marbury vs. Madison What was the case: Marbury was a soon-to-be appointed justice of the peace when Adam’s presidency came to an end, resulting in his successor, Thomas Jefferson denying credibility of the appointments because they were not completed during the time of Adam’s presidency. Jefferson’s Secretary of State, James Madison, was asked to allow the commissions. Decision: The Supreme Court denied Marbury’s writ of mandamus and he was denied the commissions. Reasoning: Congress cannot expand the Supreme Court’s power past Article three, and the Supreme Court has no jurisdiction to issue writs of mandamus.Significance: The significance of this court case is that it affirmed the judicial review and helped make the judicial branch co-equal with the two other governmental branches. Fletcher vs. Peck What was the case: In Georgia, legislators were bribed to allow 30 million acres of land to be sold for less than two cents per acre. This scam was ca lled the Yazoo land scam. In purchasing land from Peck during the Yazoo land buying and selling in Georgia, Fletcher sued Peck for selling land against the 1796 act claiming the land was not yet constitutional impaired by an act in Georgia.Decision: The land was given a clear title to Fletcher and the act was unconstitutional. Reasoning: A law that deems a property unconstitutional established under a previous law is unconstitutional. Significance: This was the first time a state law had been overturned by the Supreme Court. McCulloch vs. Maryland What was the case: Maryland enacted a law that requires all banks without a charter from the state to pay a tax and they are prohibited to print money without stamped paper from the state.McCulloch, a cashier in a branch of the Second National Bank in Baltimore, did not pay the taxes, resulting in the suing of McCulloch by Maryland. McCulloch questioned the constitutionality of the act. Decision: McCulloch won. Reasoning: The Bank of the U nited States is permitted to establish a branch in any state, the state has no power. Significance: This case gave the United States government implied powers ontop of those listed in the constitution. Dartmouth College vs. WoodwardWhat is the case: The charter was to Dartmouth College by the King of England in 1769 and had specific purposes for its establishment. In 1816, New Hampshire’s state legislature passed a law changing the school from a private school to a public school. The school argued that the state did not have the right to do so. Decision: The verdict came as a win for Dartmouth College. The New Hampshire law was removed. Reasoning: The charter was between the King and the trustees so any American laws that would change such a charter would become invalid.Significance: The decision on the court case increased business investment and growth due to the security businesses have without the interference of the state on their charters. Gibbons vs. Ogden What was the case: Gibbons was granted permission from the federal government to operate steamboats between New Jersey and New York. Ogden was given permission by the state by being granted a monopoly to operate steamboats between New Jersey and New York. Ogden saw it unfair the special treatment Gibbons had over Ogden and he filed a lawsuit. Decision: The verdict came to be judgment for Gibbons.Reasoning: The Commerce Clause of Article one allows Gibbons to continue his trade in the trading waters. Significance: The decision on this case gave the federal government the ability to regulate commerce between states. Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia What was the case: The Cherokee Nation brought this case to the Supreme Court against the state of Georgia in order to receive justice over the laws that destroy the Cherokee Nation as a separate political society and forbid them from the lands that they had set out for their Nation in treaties between the Nation and the United States government.Decision: T he Supreme Court denied the Cherokee Indians the request against the state of Georgia. The Cherokee Nation lacked jurisdiction for the case. Reasoning: The United States Supreme Court only deals with cases with â€Å"foreign nations† and the Indian nation was excluded from the foreign nations when this was determined. Significance: This case left the Cherokee Indian nation dependent on the United States. This case also led to the Trail of Tears which moved the Cherokee Indians and many more West where along the way, thousands lost their lives.Worcester vs. Georgia What was the case: After hearing about the Cherokee Nation v. Georgia case decision and reasoning, Samuel Worcester took Georgia to court again because he felt that the state had no authority to pass laws that go on in the boundaries of the Cherokee Nation which is a nation recognized by treaties signed by both the Indians and the United States. Decision: Worcester won, disregarding his conviction of living in the C herokee Nation without a state permit.Reasoning: The law passed by Georgia was unconstitutional and went against the treaties signed by both the Cherokee Nation and the United States government in agreement that the Nation would be politically independent and its own nation from the country around it. Significance: The ruling on this case made the Cherokee Nation recognized as a politically independent nation from the country that envelopes it. Part C Evidence from this lesson such as his fairness in his decisions in the Supreme Court cases and his respect from high officials from part A if this assignment, this statement is made true.John Marshall represents American law as a whole by his contributions to the laws and relationships between state government and federal government proven in the McCulloch v. Maryland case, for example. Also, his contributions to the â€Å"foreign nations† and our relationships with them such as the Cherokee Indians was strengthened and made his tory. John Marshall truly was the leader of American law and he would represent it proudly.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Fahrenheit 451 Minitheme essays

Fahrenheit 451 Minitheme essays Some may find it, some may not find it. Are we looking for it, or is it looking for us. What really is happiness and when we find it will we be satisfied with it? In the book Fahrenheit 451 the live in a place which can be the so called perfect world to some, but to many they are not happy with who they are or where they are for example: Montag as a fireman comes home day after day, doing the same thing. Coming home and wondering about his sick wife. In a way when he meets Clarisse he finds happiness. She brings him out of his shell and into a new world, but is sent back to his dreaded perfect world after he finds out that she is dead. He then finds books, which could almost be like a key, unlocking a forbidden world, but only lead to bursting flames. Montag really doesnt find happiness until he actually has to leave the city and the so called perfect world is no more after being merely erased by bombs, giving him and others the chance to start over and do things the right way. Mildred was never really happy in the world. She continually had to take sleeping pills to make herself feel better, which only leads her not remember what went on the night before. Even with her home she wasnt happy with, she wanted a new wall, when they just got a new one very shortly before. She was a rather nervous person, you could tell when she seen the books, she didnt want to lose everything, but she made the choice to turn her husband in and lose it all. Her happiness came around the walled TVs and the visitors that came over to watch with her. Beatty seemed to love his life, his job, everything about it. When it came down to the end he wasnt happy at all. He didnt understand the meaning of the books, and when it was his turn to die, he was ready, and he new he would be happy then. Last of all happiness in a way came along with the books. Any one who had ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

18 Steps That Will Help You Quit a Job That You Hate

18 Steps That Will Help You Quit a Job That You Hate Is your job awful? Or just profoundly unfulfilling, and not challenging or helping you to grow in the most important ways for your career? If you know you’re not really where you need to be but you’re plagued by the what ifs, consider taking these 18 steps to see whether it might be scarier to stay at your job than working up the courage to quit and moving on to another opportunity. 1.  Think long and hard about your life and your choices.Are you living the life you want, or used to dream of? Or are you letting your shots be called by what is expected of you, or what you perceive you should be doing? Take a step back and see where you stand. Are you working towards great things? Or are you mired in mediocrity? If you’re not living the life you desire, and you find yourself being passive in your choices, start taking active steps to change that. Live by design, not by default.2. Fear the â€Å"if only† more than the â€Å"what if.†As scary as it is to start over (at any point in your career), isn’t it scarier to think of yourself regretting having stayed put several years down the line? Regret rarely shows up until it’s too late. Try to fear failure less than dissatisfaction when your chances at another chance dry up.3. Think, What’s the worst that can happen?†Imagine the absolute worst case scenario. All your gravest what-ifs. What does that look like? Clearly define what your biggest fears coming true might look like. Then ask yourself, â€Å"So what?† Is it livable? Workable? Even, perhaps, preferable to your current situation?4. Trust your gut.If there’s a nagging little voice in you telling you to quit and go after something better? Chances are you’re right. Listen to yourself and act deliberately to affect the change you crave. Think of it as your inner GPS.5. Trust what you love.Have the confidence to know that you’ll be better off- and much happier- if you’ re doing what you love. Even if you’re doing something you just like more. If you can’t get to your dream job in one leap from your current one, try a stepping stone. Anything is better than stagnation, particularly when you aren’t happy where you are. Think of all the time and energy you’re putting into what you don’t love. Imagine how much better you could be and feel!6. Make decisions based on happiness.Studies actually suggest that happiness fuels success and good performance- rather than the other way around. Build a life and career around what makes you happy and the rest should follow, crazy as it sounds.7. Set a  good example for others.Visualize your little sister or your best friend’s kid in your shoes. Now imagine them copying your choices and your solutions. Does this make you cringe? Inspire future mentees by pursuing what you really want and need most out of life.8. Live in the current moment.It’s important to keep an eye on the future. But it’s just as important to stay grounded in reality. Be realistic about what you can and can’t accomplish from where you are right now. What can you actually do now? Start there.9. Don’t despair.You are not alone. What you feel is totally normal and human and a lot of people out there are going through the same exact thing. Take comfort in that fact.10. Get clear on your purpose.You want a change, but why? Get clear on why you are unhappy, why you are leaving, why you’re taking the risk. As long as you stay on message, you’ll stay focused and can trust that you’re moving in the right direction.11. Get to know your own gifts.We all have our own unique talents and strengths. Let your passions lead you to understand yours and then lead with that. Trust yourself and show the world what you have to offer.12. Build a web of support.Find people who support, inspire, and motivate you. Who think like you do and are open to the s ort of life you want to lead. Build a network of these people, both business and personal, in person and online.13. Realize you might have to take a risk to make a gain.A small risk now, or a small sacrifice even, can pay large dividends down the road. Bet on yourself and figure out how to be a winner when the chips are down.14. Aim to please†¦ yourself.Imagine yourself on your deathbed. Are you proud of current you? Try living in such a way that would put a smile on the face of your past selves. Make sure you end up fulfilled and content with what you’ve chosen.15. Remember timing can be everything.But that doesn’t mean you have to wait for the perfect conditions for a change or a leap of faith. Perfect conditions will never appear. You’ll never be 100% prepared to make a major switch. Align as many stars as you can, but remember that sometimes you have to accept that things may never be perfect. Neither can you. Do what you can in the moment that presents itself.16. Trust the path.You may not be able to see where all this leads, but if you’re following your gut and staying true to your purpose (and reality), you can trust that it will take you where you need to go. Focus only on the next step.17. Get comfy with uncomfortable.Change is scary and uncomfortable. New is hard and daunting. Make being uncomfortable your new comfortable. Make this part of your journey.18. Have faith, not fear.Both faith and fear are kinds of uncertainty. Focus on what you do want, rather than what you don’t. And take active steps to make that happen. Don’t just sit back and worry that it won’t be possible.You never have any guarantees of how anything will turn out. But if you listen to yourself and make mindful choices in your life, you won’t go too far wrong.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Jobs Crisis in Easter Europe and Central Asia (2007-2011) and The Assignment

The Jobs Crisis in Easter Europe and Central Asia (2007-2011) and The Informal Labour Market in the Czech Republic(2012) - Assignment Example the recession, can be felt through four transmission channels, namely the financial markets, product markets, labour markets and government services. This report of World Bank particularly focuses on labour markets and the government services. The findings of the report clearly point out that the factor which can be attributed for the major decline of household welfare is the loss of jobs in labour markets. This period had witnessed major job cuts in most of the industries (more in construction and manufacturing), which had directly impacted the households. The youth unemployment had also reached record high in this period. The biggest disadvantage was, perhaps, long-term unemployment in the labor market. The workers, who could save their jobs, had also experienced a contraction in their real wages as most companies started to cut back on the paychecks. The households began to cope by reducing their expenditure and increasing their labour supply to earn more. The reduction in expenditure was felt most in sectors of healthcare and food. The governments in most of the countries were aware of the plight of people in the economy and the government launched social assistance programs to help the poor of the country. However, the results of these were not immediately felt because of the bottlenecks that had existed in various sectors during that period. Therefore, there were delays in response of the programs to improve the plight of the poor (Ajwad, n.d.). The report had applied the concept of GDP to measure the reduction in economic growth of the country and its consequent effect on the labour market. GDP measures the total income earned domestically, including the income earned by foreign factors of production, whereas GNP measures the income earned by all residents of the nation, including factors of production from abroad (Lochner, 2013). GDP was used as it captured the economic performance of the geographic region that is under study. If residents of the country

Friday, November 1, 2019

Mobile health applications Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Mobile health applications - Dissertation Example Because of its potential, policymakers should better comprehend how information technology is spreading across suppliers, whether act to spur more adoption is required, and thus, what steps may be engaged. This has been included to increase understanding of the current state in the health care industry (Kinkade & Verclas, 2008, p. 31). Information & communications technology have been widely used in many Western countries to improve many aspects of healthcare, such as expert diagnostic systems, online patient records, digital medical information systems to name just a few. Many of these technologies are expensive and involve specialist hardware and services, making them generally used in the developed world. Universal ownership of a much less expensive, generally available device, the mobile phone, has provoked a lot of new ideas about the potential for this technology in developing countries (Kinkade & Verclas, 2008, p. 31). The use of mobile phones has grown at a high rate over the past few years. As such, it has been an essential tool for current human lifestyles. Society has embraced mobile technology into many of its daily activities including banking, health and even in the management of their daily activities. Mobile health has developed through mobile technology promoting what is called m health or m-health in the healthcare sector (Hoyt & Yoshihashi, 2009, p. 20). The world is constantly moving due to technological advancements. The widespread application of information technology led to the mobility of people, which is not only limited to the physical movement and displacement, but it covers virtual activity. Technology bridges the geographic gaps of individuals across the world to maintain and improve communication. Communication has been the centre of the world’s evolution because experts continue to develop systems that would make interaction easy and accessible. IT has been widely used in the field of business due to its proven benefits in enhancing customer satisfaction. Similarly, medical institutions aim to improve patient care through the use of mobile phones. With the extensive use of mobile technology, patient and doctors have established a relationship; hence, it enhances health care quality (Hoyt & Yoshihashi, 2009, p. 20). Mobile health is the new method of interacting with patients. M-Health is defined as a â€Å"service or application that involves voice or data communication for health purposes between a central point and remote locations† (Freng, et al., 2011, p.5). Mobile health Mobile technology is vital in this research since it has the potential to transform healthcare in developing countries, mostly in the area of health consciousness schemes and training health care workers. Mobile phones are inexpensive to the inhabitants at large, making them more obtainable than computers. They are also cost effectual than hospital beds. Mobile phone applications in healthcare are a relatively new field an d some of the literature is very keen about the possibilities that this opens up. Audie et al (2011, p. 34) have suggested that M-Health apps are â€Å"the killer application for cyber-infrastructure for health in the 21st century† –just as the invention of electric light was in the C19th. They go on to say that the enormous growth of electronic and medical health records and bioinformatics together with